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Friday, August 31, 2012


Its so tragic,
I used to believe,I lived in a world of magic.
But when the reality hit me hard,
I felt down demolished like a pack of cards.

Our four years of relation,
CASTE,somebody has now put a big question.
The lovely dreams of our future together,
are haunting me,have now become nightmares.

I was born as a free bird,
same red blood,no tags of religion or caste absurd.
I made friends,so did I fall in love,perfect picture frame.
Never filtered for colour creed or names.

Growing up made me realize,
I was growing with all the possible tags,fractionized.
Saw the world so divided,misguided
thought love would be atleast unbiased.

Then I found the parents raising children like pets,
death of free mind,becoming writers of their fate.
Living in a mirage of inflated honour
Society(the bitch),the moral police,the care-taker.

Now when I see the only saviour defeated,
social evils taking over our love,
One big question keeps on hovering over my mind
in distances or in my company,happiness,solace,love,all these,where will you find???

Its sad but thats how it is...

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Funny faces,Funny ways
Exaggerated,my mood sways.
Intended for satire,humor,laughter typhoon.
Yes,I am a Cartoon.

Illustrated,visual,non-realisitic art
I am her favourite Jokes' cart.
Anime,she thinks I can take it all,
Procrastinated my wishes,she laughs as I fall.

She give me names,I respond
on her call,sometimes way beyond.
She attaches,she detaches
She expects me to,I adhere,I can't react.

She opens up,I listen
through her eyes,silence and vision.
She closes the door,I wait,
In vain,no knocking,I can't connect.

Immune to my own emotions,poker faced
attune to my name,else pruned.
That's how my life is,in her eyes,
"Life of a Cartoon"...

Thursday, February 2, 2012


A valiant warrior
in a thought of despair,
decides one day to stop and stare,
into himself,down and deep,the same mirror,may be rare.

What was different this time,
he wanted to search for the sublime.
Niether too late,nor in his prime,
a passing thought,Introspection isn't a crime.

Living upto the reputation,assigned by others.
Fitting into the shoes,worn by others.
Seeing the dreams,destined for others.
Free flight of mind?a question!no wings,no feathers.

He couldn't find his image in the mirror anymore,
superimposed over superficial,he now abhors.
It started getting too dark,pending chores.
Mind dominant over heart,but this time inner voice soar.

He dreamt of a new beginning,
tried to free himself from shackles.
Started living his dream,
life of untamed wind,life cycle of a bubble!

The "others" didn't like it.
The "others" couldn't see the change.
How could an enslaved being live free again,they frown.
The warrior was no more loved,a galiant effort was GUNNED DOWN...

"In loving memory of all those who were once born FREE"...RIP

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I have left my cloister
and have come here,the fairyland,
which the stories only contain.
I am a demon,my mind,
but my soul free and pure.
I don't know if it's at rest
or wandering for what the demon inside me is restless.

I want to wait till I find an angel,
get answers to my tangled cobwebs.
No survival question looming overhead,
life like life,life without question mark...
Can the invisible forces manifest in my visible world?

As for now,the pain is subdued,
I can feel the calming nerves,they don't make sound...
I am breathing in,not just inahale and exhale,
atleast this body is at peace,though solitary.
I start dreaming and when I wake up
a beautiful fairy by my side.
Long tresses,lovely smile
two intercepting eyes,the magic in them
I am relaxed,her presence makes me overwhelmed.

Oh angel!please hold my hand and keep me glued here
I have covered a long distance and have waited so long.
This may be a child ecstasy,will not last long
but for once look into my eyes,
you may see the trails of the aftermath
which led all emotions to drain...

"I trust I shall not live in vain,
 I know that we shall meet again
 In some divine eternity"
 Be my anodyne that time...

Monday, January 9, 2012

too heavy a debt...

Born to reign
but each step he has compromised.
A child born with several debts;
making space for a new character every now and then,
giving away his own position
constantaly being rearranged,pushed and pulled,
a load on a pulley.

Paradise lost.
Hell lost
The place where his soul rested in peace lost.
His belongings lost
near and dear ones,if he ever had,lost.
He is trying to remain somewhere in between,floating,
but in vain,the time has curbed his wings,
can't take a free flight,can't hang in there.
Land is not his,he never possessed anything higher.

"some scars don't show,
 some wounds don't heal.
 most of the times nobody can feel what one is going through"
 I see him trying,trying to hold on.
 He is going to stay here,
 he has got his debts to clear.
 His life may has only color grey,
 nothing to lose now.
 He is ready to let everything he will get in this journey,go.
 The only thing he will retain is his pride
 because it has pulled him up everytime,kept his head high
 to pay all,all of his debts.

He has empty pockets,hands empty
"like dirt he has learnt to rise"
debtless he will die...:)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

your thought...

Last night when your thought blossomed in my mind,
I could still feel the same freshness of your presence.
My heart once again glorified in its own agony;
with the same flame,mesmerizing essence.

Somehow my mind disobeyed this insane,me,
asked to come out of this illusionary arcane lane
walk the old and travelled murky land.
Once I got reminded of my heart's belonging,this pain,
beautiful and truly my own...